Christ Victory Church actually has more history than it may seem. Originally born as St. Mark’s Reformed Church, this country church has been serving our rural community for more than 100 years. When the the Reformed Church merged with the Christian Church to become the United Church of Christ, St. Mark’s eventually came along. Departure from a biblical foundation and distress over the direction of the UCC caused the St. Mark’s Church to rethink its future, and in the mid 1990’s Christ Victory Church was born.
Christ Victory Church is still a family friendly, country church with a warm and friendly church family where anyone from any walk of life can feel welcome, loved, and accepted. We have a diverse group representing different ethnicities, social standing, and economic blessing, but you’d never know it. Together, we have caught the vision of being one in Christ and all share His victory together.
We are a destination church. We are not on the way to anywhere, and people are coming here on purpose. It is refreshing to worship with people who’s only goal is to please the Father God.
Christ Victory Church is a worshiping church, making disciples, and changing history by being doers of the Word. Won’t you join us?