Where We’re Headed
While we do not presume to know everything God has in store for us (1 Corinthians 2:9), we believe that specific direction is important: “Record the vision and inscribe it on tablets, that the one who reads it may run with it” (Habakkuk 2:2).
Children’s Ministry is a priority at Christ Victory Church. Each week we seek to celebrate our children and minster to their needs. We desire to develop them as Word-walking worshipers who will change their world.
Our youth, R.E.A.C.T., meet weekly to build a strong, consistent representation of the Kingdom of God. Our youth are not our future, they are our present. We seek to empower them to be successful at being the Church and ambassadors to our community for the Kingdom of God.
We have a building and we intend to use it, but we hate to see it empty. We seek to provide a full-time, full-use center for ministry which will strengthen the family, using what God has given us for the benefit of the community, and building a strong community together to the glory of God, this is Christ Victory Church. We look forward to outgrowing this facility and building something bigger and better.
When there is a 5th Sunday in a month, it is Youth Sunday. We turn the fifth Sunday over to REACT to minister. Start to finish, they handle the service in all aspects. Worship, announcements, offering, and powerfully ministering the Word, they just get it done. Here they get to develop their callings and gifts.
When there is a 5th Wednesday we celebrate in all out worship. God is worth celebration, and in this service we want to take off all the limits that keep us from freely entering in. This freedom is powerful and life changing.
We are seeking to develop a School of Healing. For the world, healthcare has been made a crisis, but the Church is God’s answer to the problem. The School of Healing is one avenue allowing the healing power of God to consistently flow to the people in our area. Watch for details.
At Christ Victory Church you will hear, “Family First” and we mean it. We are committed to offering such training and support as is needed to strengthen and encourage the family. Be that family a traditional family, a blended family, or a broken family, we are here to champion their success as they go after God’s will and their destiny.
Partnered with the Armada Commission and the Leadership Training School, we are dedicated to training, equipping, releasing, and sending people into missions at home and abroad. Each year we look for opportunities for our people to get out and demonstrate the Kingdom of God. Local community outreaches, regional missions trips, or foreign missions trips are all part of the grand scheme of things. God has a plan to reach the world and we want to be part of it.
Grow, Grow, Grow, yes, we want to grow. Christ Victory Church is actively working to add new believers to our fellowship regularly. We want each year to be more fruitful that the year before. Together we proactively seek to add to our family by increasing the Family of God.