In the beginning, God faced the adversity of an empty, shapeless, dark, lifeless world. He spoke in faith believing and brought forth the wonder we see today. We were created in His image and likeness, to think like God and act like God. We too need to speak in faith believing to the situations we face that are dark, without purpose, and without life, and call forth what we know to be God’s will. Pastor Pat walks us through what this will look like in our lives. This is the first of six keys.
Prosper in Adversity 1 – Speak to the Void
Prosper in Adversity 2 – Follow His Lead
Jesus was the shining example of how we are to live our lives. When faced with adversity that was not even of his own making He acted, following the Father’s lead, doing what He saw His Father doing. He has called us to do the same. Following the Spirit’s lead is part and parcel of who we are and it is our second of six keys to being able to Prosper in Adversity. Pastor Pat helps us see how we can do this in our daily living.
Prosper in Adversity 3 – Sow!
In the Kingdom of God the Law of Sowing and Reaping is consistently taught from Genesis to Revelation. Your sowing will be your supply when adversity comes as you harvest the seed you’ve sown in faith believing. Coupled with Speaking to the Void and Following His Lead, you will not only survive adversity, you can thrive in adversity.
In this session, Pastor Pat Murphy walks us through the key of Prospering in Adversity – Sow!
Prosper in Adversity 5 – Focus
From Peter walking on the water to staying on track in our daily walk, focus is key to our success in life. In the midst of adversity, we tend to be drawn to focus on the storm instead of on the source of our salvation. This was Peter’s failing. In this fifth of six sessions Pastor Pat Murphy helps us see the importance of the key, “Focus on the Source of your salvation, not the symptoms of your circumstance.”
Prosper in Adversity 4 – Dig the Wells
In this fourth of six sessions Pastor Pat Murphy looks at Isaac’s life to reveal one secret to prospering in adversity: Dig the Wells of Faith, Old and New. Here we’ll see the need to invest in what it takes to be blessed by being a blessing. We will see that this is just demonstrating the nature and character of our loving God. In the end we will prosper, and God will be glorified.
Prosper in Adversity 6 – Give Thanks
There may be no more important key to prospering in adversity that that of: “Give Thanks”. The demonstration of being able to give thanks in any circumstance of situation is a true sign of faith. We trust God who cannot change rather than fear situations than can be changed. Pastor Pat Murphy shows us hos this key will help unlock our ability to Prosper in Adversity.