Listen as Pastor Lynn Murphy shares this expose’ of what doubt is and why we need to eliminate it from our lives.
ROUT OUT DOUBT: “What is Doubt?”
Jesus Healed Them All
The question of healing is one that seems to put people in the Church at odds with one another. Together we look at the ministry of Jesus and how He responded when people sought Him out for healing. Over and over we see, “Jesus Healed Them All.”
Unpersuadeable, Part 1
Overcoming doubt is more than just standing in denial. As a believer you have to take an active role in keeping your thought life right. As the writer of Proverbs noted, “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” It is up to you to control what you let into your heart. You must choose to be “Unpersuadeable.”
Unpersuadeable,Part 2
Overcoming doubt is more than just standing in denial. As a believer you have to take an active role in keeping your thought life right. As the writer of Proverbs noted, “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” It is up to you to control what you let into your heart. You must choose to be “Unpersuadeable.”
An Anchor for Your Soul
In the flotsam and jetsam of daily living, it can be difficult to hold your ground in faith unless you are anchored to something. An anchor brings stability and security. It keeps you from drifting or being pulled into undesired circumstances. Learn how you can find “An Anchor for Your Soul.”
Mastering the ability to “Rout Out Doubt” is, in reality, learning how to “REST” in the Lord. Confidence in His promises, knowing He never lies, and being willing to let Him handle the affairs of life will give you that “REST” Jesus promised.
Marriage Defined
In our first session on the topic of Divorce and Remarriage, we thought it prudent to define marriage in terms of what the Bible teaches.
Defining Divorce
In our second session we look at the biblical definition of divorce.
The Process of Divorce
Divorce doesn’t just happen. Usually divorce is working long before the event called divorce takes place. Together we look at the Process of Divorce and the signs or flags that indicate that divorce is in progress.
The Victims of Divorce
With the grim statistics in mind, we look at who is impacted by divorce. The Victims of Divorce are many and varied. Most people going through a divorce don’t understand why people behave the way they do, but this study may help.
The Impact of Divorce
As we continue our study of a biblical perspective on Divorce and Remarriage we look at toll it takes in so many areas of life. The Impact of Divorce is a look at what goes on and why people behave the way they do.
Biblical Grounds for Divorce
When we talk about divorce, we need to remember that the Bible does give grounds for a legitimate divorce, but it also sets limitations on divorce that will keep us from being cavalier about it. We look at the Biblical Grounds for Divorce to see how we can best minister to those who are faced with this tragic trauma.
Life After Divorce
For those going through the painful and costly process of divorce there is often no hope for the future, but there is such a thing as Life After Divorce. Together we look at what life after divorce may look like and what the biblical limitations are for those who experience this life altering event.
In the church, divorce is a touchy subject at best and at times taboo even for conversation. But the subject that will cause the greatest controversy and even separate family members is that of “Remarriage”. Can a Christian divorce and remarry? What do we, the Church, do with those who do? And how does all this affect the plan and call of God on the life of the believer? Here we examine these questions.
Divorce-proof Your Marriage
After a comprehensive study of Divorce and Remarriage I thought we should talk about how to avoid divorce in the first place. in this session we look at how we can rise to the challenge and Divorce-proof Your Marriage.
End Times 1: Do Not Be Deceived
End Times has been a topic of interest and preoccupation for believers from the time Adam received the promise of a Savior. When pressed about this Jesus gives a detailed and clear picture of what to expect. He begins with a warning and injunction, “Do Not Be Deceived.”
Galatians 1
This is a “big picture” study of the Book of Galatians and how we can apply its truth to our lives.
Galatians 2
This is a “big picture” study of the Book of Galatians and how we can apply its truth to our lives.
Galatians 3
This is a “big picture” study of the Book of Galatians and how we can apply its truth to our lives.
Galatians 4
This is a “big picture” study of the Book of Galatians and how we can apply its truth to our lives.
Galatians 5
This is a “big picture” study of the Book of Galatians and how we can apply its truth to our lives.
Continued Spiritual Refreshing
Pastor Darrell Huffman shares an encouraging word on how to stay refreshed by drawing on God’s resources.
End Times 2: Don’t Be Troubled
As we continue our study of Jesus teaching on End Times, we look at His statements about “wars and rumors of war,” and we pay careful attention to his instruction, “Don’t let your heart be troubled.”
Grow Up 1
In this Series Pastor Lynn Murphy challenges us to Grow Up Spiritually.
Grow Up 2
In this Series Pastor Lynn Murphy challenges us to Grow Up Spiritually.
End Times 3: There’s a Storm On The Horizon
In this, the third of the series on Jesus’ teach on the End Times, we look at the signs of the times that Jesus says will be the flags to let believers know that the clock is ticking and the end is at hand. In this session we look at the passage in Matthew 24:4-8 and see the pictures of famine, pestilence and earthquakes. We talk about how this should impact us and how we should respond when we see it happening.
Living By Faith
Galatians 3:9,11, says, “So then those who are of faith are blessed with believing Abraham. … But that no one is justified by the law in the sight of God is evident, for ‘the just shall live by faith.” In these two verses, Paul gives us two great truths we must learn. First, if we are to be blessed and walk in the blessings that Abraham walked in, we must have believing faith. What is believing faith? Believing faith is when you go beyond just knowing God’s Word to embracing and acting on God’s Word. To truly believe is to be a doer and not just a hearer of the Word.
Second, you must develop a lifestyle of faith. Faith can’t just be something you do when you have a need. Faith must become your daily way of living. Paul said, “The just shall live by faith.” From the time we get up until we go to bed at night, we should live in the realm of faith and trust in God. When we make faith our lifestyle we will be ready for whatever challenges life will throw at us.
Put these faith principles to work in your daily life and experience the blessings the Lord has provided for you.
Pastor Darrell Huffman
Healed With A Word
In this day of televangelism and theatrics, we need to be reminded that Jesus healed all who asked Him, and often He did little more than simply speak a word of healing to them. Healing isn’t a chance for men to show off, it’s a time when we let the Father show His love and how He keeps His promises.
What Do I Have To Do To Be Healed?
Healing seems to some to be elusive, but is it? God often requires that we have a level of cooperation to see His promises manifest. In Deuteronomy 28 it is “If you diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord your God.” In James it is “Confess your faults one to another and pray for one another that you may be healed.” Whatever it is He asks of you, you need only do it to find that He is always faithful to do His part.
Make Room For Daddy
We can measure the value we place on people and things by the amount of room we give them in our lives. In this special Father’s Day message Pastor Pat looks at the importance of making room for the Father in our lives.
Cliff Graham: Youth Sunday June 29, 2014
Cliff Graham, hot off a trip to the heart of the Middle East, comes to share on Youth Sunday about the keys to receiving your miracle. These three keys will change your life.
End Times 4: Persecution Will Come
As we continue our study of Jesus’ teaching on the End Times, we delve into what those days will look like to the believer. Jesus warns us of the reality that our lives will be touched by persecution, but then, we are following His example. It is encouraging to know that when He spoke of the power we receive in the Holy Ghost, these were the days He was referring to, and we need only follow the Spirit’s lead see God’s hand move on our behalf.
Report on Ecuador
Dave and Joy Routheaux and Lindsay Diehl share the exciting testimony of the good things God did through this team in their mission trip to Ecuador.
End Times 5
Jesus didn’t try and hide what was going to happen as time draws to a close. He gave us clear warnings and instruction.
To this point we have seen Jesus say:
- Do not be deceived
- Do not be troubled
- The world will go through great trouble and tumult
- You will be persecuted all over the World for My name’s sake
In this session we see the things says will usher in “the end.”
End Times 6: Abomination of Desolation
We continue our look at what Jesus taught about the End Times looking particularly at how it relates to Daniel’s prophesy of the desecration of the End Times Temple.
End Times 7: The Elect’s Impact on the End Times
In the Word we see the term “The Elect” and hear many different things taught about who they are. In this session we look specifically at what Jesus says about the Elect and their impact on End Times events.
End Times 8: Listen for the Shout
The Church often seems preoccupied with the Second Coming as if they might miss it when He comes. For the true believer, we can confidently be about the business of the kingdom knowing that He will not arrive unannounced.
Prayer 1: What Prayer Is
Laying the foundation for a powerful and productive prayer life, we must know what prayer is and how to flow in it.
Sowing and Reaping: Do the Word!
When we look at the topic of Sowing and Reaping, it is those who sow who can expect a harvest. Be a doer of the Word and sow, sow, sow!
Sowing and Reaping: Justice Reigns
God isn’t playing favorites, but rather, He gives everyone an equal chance to produce fruit. But, in order to produce fruit, we have to multiply what has been son in us by sowing it into others.
Sowing and Reaping: What Limits Your Fruit?
All it takes is a cursory glance around to see that not everyone lives to the same level in the Kingdom of God. Even in good ground we see that the see produces differently with different people. In this session we look at what it is that impacts our fruitfulness.
End Times: The Parable of the Ten Virgins
Often we hear things taught out of context, but this parable, “The Parable of the Ten Virgins”, was being used to illustrate the events of the end times. Here we look at what Jesus was saying and how it applies to the End Times timeline.
Sowing and Reaping: Just Dirt
Sometimes we want to make our role bigger than it really is. Our job is to be good dirt. We receive the seed, feed it what it needs to grow and produce, and enjoy what it gives us in return. But, in the end, we are just dirt. Without the life giving breath of God, we have nothing to offer. Filled with and controlled by the Holy Spirit we are a fruitful and productive force for the Kingdom of God.
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Protected: LTS 1: Bible Terms 2
Protected: LTS 1: The Power of the Tongue
Protected: LTS 1: The Chastening of the Lord
Protected: LTS 1: How To Pray
How to Pray 2
Pastor Lynn Murphy continues the expository teaching on “How to Pray.”
How to Pray 3
Pastor Lynn Murphy continues the expository teaching on “How to Pray.”
End Times: Parable of the Talents
We have heard so much taught about the Parable of the Talents, but here we see Jesus was teaching about the End Times.
Grow a Backbone
As a church, we are one part of the Body of Christ. We are not the head, no, that’s Jesus. The Head is the control center of the body, and we want Jesus to have something to work with. The Head communicates to the body and receives communication from the body via the neck. Together we’ll look at how the Ministry Gifts fill that role for the Local Church. Finally we talk about the frame upon which the body draws for its flexibility and strength, the backbone. It is time for members to step up into leadership and help us be the body God has called us to be.
End Times 11: Judgment
The final installment on what Jesus had to say in Matthew 24 and 25 about the End Times, “Judgment is coming.”
Cultivating the Soil
III John 2 says, “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.”
To live in victory and to experience success in this life we must renew our minds to the Word of God. You will never prosper beyond the level of revelation of God’s Word that You personally know and do. Our success is not measured by what others know about God’s Word or even about what others do. In Matthew 16 after Jesus asked the disciples what others were saying about Him, He point blank, in verse 15, asked, “But who do you say that I am?” What we believe, say and do has a direct influence on what kind of life we will live. This is why we must cultivate the soil of our heart with the Word of God. The Bible teaches us that God’s Word is seed. When we plant that seed into our hearts and minds it transforms us into Christ’s image and anoints us to do His works.
Pastor Darrell Huffman
Communion Celebration
Too often we take Communion and its meaning for granted. In this message Pastor Pat reminds us of the powerful meaning behind our regular celebration.
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Protected: LTS 1 – The Vital Aspects of Redemption
How To Pray 4
Pastor Lynn Murphy continues the expository teaching on “How to Pray.”
End Times: Party Time
Finally, we look at what we will be doing at the end. Jesus will return, catch His Bride away, and we will have a party! Are you ready?
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Protected: LTS 1: Evidence of the Godhead
Protected: LTS 1: Meditation
Special Guest: Rev. Steve Kulish
Rev. Steve Kulish, “The Pastor’s Friend” and intercultural missionary to NYC brings a word of encouragement and challenge.
Find out more about Steve’s ministry at
Serving One Another In Love
As we continue our discussion of what it takes to grow a healthy church, together we look at the foundation building blocks, not the least of which is our willingness to serve one another. Pastor Pat walks us through the simple yet profound premise that we, the Church, will be marked by our love for one another demonstrated both inside and outside the four walls of the church house.
Protected: LTS 1: Understanding Suffering
How to Pray: Pleading Our Cause
Join Pastor Lynn as she shares insights from the Word and helps us see what it takes to get the results God intends. In this session she will dig in and reveal what it truly meant by “Pleading Our Cause.”
How to Pray 7
Pastor Lynn Murphy closes out this powerful series and challenges us to rise to a new level in prayer.
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Karen Burrows: How to Walk
We were honored to have Karen Burrows come and teach for our LTS sessions this week and even more blessed to have her teach Sunday morning. We hope you enjoy her sharing as she guides us in the practical application of How to Walk.Karen Burrows
Healing Those Oppressed of the Devil
We continue in our study of “Healing the Sick” with a look at our certain victory over all the works of the enemy. We are here to bring healing to the nations and set the captives free.
Taking the War to the Enemy
The secret to success is often to be proactive and not give your enemy an opening. I think it is time we took the battle to the enemy and show him just how defeated he is. We are the Church, let’s rise up and act like it.
Protected: LTS 1: Victim or Victor
Limits and Boundaries
We need to learn how to throw off limits and boundaries that are not set by God and walk in freedom.
Healing the Sick: What About the Oil?
When praying for the sick, do we need the oil spoken of by James? We look at what the Word says about anointing and how we are to be those who bear the anointing and bring it to bear on those in need.
God Inhabits Our Praises
Pastor Darrell Huffman addresses the importance of the things that come out of our mouth and reveals how we can have the presence of God manifest with us at all times.