Listen as Pastor Lynn Murphy shares this expose’ of what doubt is and why we need to eliminate it from our lives.
ROUT OUT DOUBT: “What is Doubt?”
Unpersuadeable, Part 1
Overcoming doubt is more than just standing in denial. As a believer you have to take an active role in keeping your thought life right. As the writer of Proverbs noted, “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” It is up to you to control what you let into your heart. You must choose to be “Unpersuadeable.”
Unpersuadeable,Part 2
Overcoming doubt is more than just standing in denial. As a believer you have to take an active role in keeping your thought life right. As the writer of Proverbs noted, “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” It is up to you to control what you let into your heart. You must choose to be “Unpersuadeable.”
An Anchor for Your Soul
In the flotsam and jetsam of daily living, it can be difficult to hold your ground in faith unless you are anchored to something. An anchor brings stability and security. It keeps you from drifting or being pulled into undesired circumstances. Learn how you can find “An Anchor for Your Soul.”
Mastering the ability to “Rout Out Doubt” is, in reality, learning how to “REST” in the Lord. Confidence in His promises, knowing He never lies, and being willing to let Him handle the affairs of life will give you that “REST” Jesus promised.
Grow Up 1
In this Series Pastor Lynn Murphy challenges us to Grow Up Spiritually.
Grow Up 2
In this Series Pastor Lynn Murphy challenges us to Grow Up Spiritually.
Grow Up 3
In this Series Pastor Lynn Murphy challenges us to Grow Up Spiritually.
Grow Up 4
In this Series Pastor Lynn Murphy challenges us to Grow Up Spiritually.
Grow Up 5
In this Series Pastor Lynn Murphy challenges us to Grow Up Spiritually.
Grow Up 6
In this Series Pastor Lynn Murphy challenges us to Grow Up Spiritually.
Grow Up 7
In this Series Pastor Lynn Murphy challenges us to Grow Up Spiritually.
Prayer 1: What Prayer Is
Laying the foundation for a powerful and productive prayer life, we must know what prayer is and how to flow in it.
Protected: LTS 1: Bible Terms 1
Protected: LTS 1: Bible Terms 2
Protected: LTS 1: The Chastening of the Lord
Protected: LTS 1: How To Pray
How to Pray 2
Pastor Lynn Murphy continues the expository teaching on “How to Pray.”
How to Pray 3
Pastor Lynn Murphy continues the expository teaching on “How to Pray.”
Protected: LTS 1 – The Vital Aspects of Redemption
How To Pray 4
Pastor Lynn Murphy continues the expository teaching on “How to Pray.”
Protected: LTS 1: The Doctrine of the Scriptures
Protected: LTS 1: Evidence of the Godhead
Protected: LTS 1: Meditation
How to Pray: Pleading Our Cause
Join Pastor Lynn as she shares insights from the Word and helps us see what it takes to get the results God intends. In this session she will dig in and reveal what it truly meant by “Pleading Our Cause.”
How to Pray 7
Pastor Lynn Murphy closes out this powerful series and challenges us to rise to a new level in prayer.
Protected: LTS 1: Victim or Victor
Limits and Boundaries
We need to learn how to throw off limits and boundaries that are not set by God and walk in freedom.
Faith For Miracles
Pastor Lynn Murphy and her students share a lively discussion about what it takes to see miracles happen in the life of the believer.
Protected: LTS 1: Finding Your Place
Moving of the Spirit of God
Pastor Lynn Murphy takes time to walk through Scripture and look at how the Spirit of God moved in times past so we know what to expect today.
Protected: LTS 2: Praise and Worship 1
Protected: LTS 2: Praise and Worship 2
Protected: LTS3: Manner of Prayer
Protected: LTS3: Prayer of Worship
Protected: LTS 3: Doing the Works of Jesus, Part 1
Protected: LTS 3: Battleground of the Mind
Protected: LTS 3: Tests and Trials
Protected: Fruit of the Spirit Part 1
Protected: Fruit of the Spirit Part 2
Protected: LTS 4: Confessions We Should Make
Protected: LTS 4: Creation of Man
Protected: LTS 4: The New Creation
Protected: LTS 4: Helps Ministry 1
Protected: LTS 4 – Helps Ministry 2
Protected: LTS 4: Teamwork
Protected: Discipleship
Protected: LTS 4: Fall of Man
Protected: LTS 4: Godly Influence vs. Manipulation
Protected: LTS 4: What the Resurrection Gives Us
Protected: LTS 5: The New Creation
Protected: LTS 5: Carnal vs. Spiritual
Protected: LTS 5: Making a Leader
Protected: LTS 5: Pastoral Ministry
Protected: LTS 5: Spiritual Man
Protected: LTS 5: Personal Evangelism
Protected: LTS 5: Respect the Anointing
Protected: LTS 5: Drama of Redemption
Protected: LTS 5: Church Life
Protected: LTS 5: The Jethro Principle
Protected: LTS 6: Ministerial Ethics
Testimony of Life Saving Obedience
Pastors Pat and Lynn Murphy share their story of God’s leading that resulted in Pastor Pat’s life being spared.