Protected: LTS3: Manner of Prayer
Sunday September 13, 2015
Protected: LTS3: Prayer of Worship
Sunday September 13, 2015
Protected: LTS 3: Doing the Works of Jesus, Part 1
Sunday October 4, 2015
Protected: LTS 3: Praying in Jesus’ Name
Thursday October 15, 2015
Protected: LTS 3: Balance and Perspective
Wednesday November 11, 2015
Protected: LTS 3: Battleground of the Mind
Wednesday November 11, 2015
Protected: LTS 3: Doing the Works of Jesus, Part 2
Wednesday November 11, 2015
Protected: LTS 3: How God Corrects
Sunday November 22, 2015
Protected: LTS 3: Tests and Trials
Sunday November 22, 2015
Protected: LTS 3: Dreams and Visions
Sunday November 22, 2015
Protected: Old and New Testament Relationship
Sunday January 10, 2016
Protected: Fruit of the Spirit Part 1
Sunday January 10, 2016