Pastor Lynn Murphy and her students share a lively discussion about what it takes to see miracles happen in the life of the believer.
Faith For Miracles
Moving of the Spirit of God
Pastor Lynn Murphy takes time to walk through Scripture and look at how the Spirit of God moved in times past so we know what to expect today.
Protected: LTS 2: Praise and Worship 1
Protected: LTS 2: Praise and Worship 2
Examine Yourself
A serious look at the celebration of Communion and what it means to the believer. Pastor Pat walks us through the foundational truth of this holy rite and what it means in the life of the believer.
Who Is Jesus To You?
We are taught many things about who Jesus is, and it is important to have that knowledge, but how personal is this One, Jesus, to you? In the face of great adversity Peter declared, “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God.” It was a declaration that could cost him his life, but there was no other answer he could give. His personal relationship with Jesus gave him a clear and uncompromised understanding of who Jesus is.
Power of Vision
At the beginning of each year across the world pastors commonly set forth the “vision” for the year ahead. the air is abuzz with talk of vision and what it means for our future. In this session Pastor Pat talks about the “Power of Vision” and why it is key to our operation as the church.
Stand and Exalt Jesus
Christ Victory Church is a worshiping church. We love to lift Jesus up in praise, adoration, and worship. But our worship must extend beyond the four walls of the church house.
We Would See Jesus
God is seeking those who will pursue Him with passion and perseverance. Will you be one of those who do?
Benefits of Being Led
The Bible tells us a lot about the benefits of being a Christian, but just because He made a promise doesn’t mean you will see the promise fulfilled. In this session we see how important it is to be led by the Spirit of God and what benefits we can expect as a result.